Course Catalog

The DSCU Certification 2.0 Course Catalog is meant to be a resource for U.S. Security Cooperation Workforce personnel interested in learning about current and future DSCU course offerings. Courses are subject to change in the following areas and more: availability, class duration, location, faculty, and virtual learning options.  Class options and availability are routinely updated.

Each member of the Security Cooperation Workforce is assigned a Security Cooperation Code (SC Code), which identifies which functional area and proficiency level of certification is required for their billet/position. The SC Code is made up of the two characters ‘SC’ (to identify it as an SC Code), plus three characters:

    1.  Billet/Position: A single digit for Key  (identifies Key/Non-Key and Civilian/Military) 
    2.  Functional Area: A single alpha character   
    3.  Proficiency Level: A single digit for the level required. 

Build your SC code from the dropdowns using the steps above. This will produce lists of the courses associated with that SC Code.


Course Description
Link to myDSCU

Primary Functional Area

Course Description
Link to myDSCU

Primary Functional Area Options

Course Description
Link to myDSCU

Secondary Functional Area

Course Description
Link to myDSCU

Functional Area Electives

Course Description
Link to myDSCU

Leadership Training