SCO-235 Security Cooperation Organization Spouse Course
The Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Spouse Course is designed for spouses of U.S. military personnel and DoD direct-hire civilian employees assigned to security cooperation positions in U.S. embassies. Like SCO personnel, spouses operate in a unique international and interagency environment without typical support systems. SCO Spouse training is valuable for SCO mission success and family safety.
Upon completion of this course, SCO spouse students will have a broad foundation designed to equip and integrate themselves and their families into the embassy and foreign service communities. Additionally, the course will provide information on the resources and support networks available to help foster success in these unique tours of duty.
This hybrid course includes both virtual and resident phases and is held five times each fiscal year, with funded travel by DSCU for SCO spouses to attend the in-residence week held in the NCR.
- Delivery Mode:
- Course Length:
- SC Continuous Learning Hours:
- Class Available
- Date Available
- Course Number SCO-235
- Functional Area:
- Proficiency Level
- Course Category:
- Key Billet/Position(s)
- Syllabus Link: