Available here are the Defense Security Cooperation University's major publications and links to other relevant Security Cooperation-related resources found on other websites.
DLA Customer Assistance Handbook

Because this publication is FOUO, this link will take you to a CAC enabled site. The DLA Customer Assistance Handbook is marked For Official Use Only and is not open to the public. Only DLA customers with a need to know will be granted access to the handbook, either online or in hard copy
DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR)

The DoD FMR directs statutory and regulatory financial management requirements, systems, and functions for all appropriated and non-appropriated, working capital, revolving, and trust fund activities.
ESAMM Appendix 7, Case Reconciliation and Closure Guide (RCG)

Provides process and procedural guidance for the reconciliation and closure of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Building Partner Capacity cases, hereafter referred to as cases. It complements the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DoDFMR) (Reference (b)) and case reconciliation and closure policies contained in Chapter 16 of the SAMM.
Foreign Purchaser Guide to Freight Forwarder Selection (blue)

A guide for international customers, freight forwarders, shippers, US Security Cooperation Officers and FMS case managers to understand the requirements for moving FMS material through commercial freight forwarders. Information contained in this reference is drawn from current Department of Defense references.
MILSTRIP and MAPAD Handbook for Security Cooperation

This document is intended to serve as a guide for international customers and US Security Assistance Officers to understand supply transactions. It is an effort to consolidate the myriad DoD and service-unique codes and procedures into one handy reference. This publication addresses the most common logistics codes, formats and procedures used in preparing and processing Foreign Military Sales supply requisitions and responding status and shipping documents. This is also a guide for shippers, contracting specialists, transportation specialists, international customers, US Security Cooperation Officers and FMS case managers to understand the Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD).
SAMM DSCA 5101.38-M

Provides an updated method to accessing the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) and the Policy Memorandums that are issued by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).
SC Programs Handbook

The Security Cooperation (SC) Program Handbook is an educational document that provides a detailed list of 106 of the most common SC programs that DSCU students may work with as a member of the SC workforce. Each listing gives a general description, quotes the legislative authorization/appropriation, and describes the key players that are involved in the program’s execution. Although a comprehensive listing of SC programs of interest to the SC workforce, this handbook is not an OSDP or DSCA sanctioned compilation of programs.
In alignment with Department of Defense Instructions and recent Executive Orders, certain content has been temporarily removed to maintain consistency with federal guidance and uphold the integrity of our official communication channels.
Security Cooperation Billing Handbook

The Security Cooperation Billing Handbook (The Red Book) is intended to provide an explanation of the financial aspects of the US Security Cooperation (SC) Cases with emphasis on SC case delivery transaction reporting and billing.
The Green Book

The basic textbook employed by the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) for instruction covering the full range of security cooperation activities. The text is revised annually and commonly referred to as the "Green Book" as it is bound in a green cover.
In alignment with Department of Defense Instructions and recent Executive Orders, certain content has been temporarily removed to maintain consistency with federal guidance and uphold the integrity of our official communication channels.
Transfer of Night Vision Devices Handbook, 2014

This handbook is issued in support of the April 21, 2014, Night Vision Export Policy Implementation Guidance (Confidential) and the June 12, 2009, Department of Defense Policy for International Transfer and Export Control of Night Vision Systems, Equipment, Components, Services, Technical Data, and Related Technology. It provides information for the preparation, coordination, and evaluation of government-to-government transfers of Night Vision Devices (NVDs). These guidelines will promote consistency in the processing of NVD requests for transfer via Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and related programs.