P179928 National Resilience for Defense & Security

April 1, 2024

Congratulations to the latest cohort of participants of the National Resilience for Defense & Security course. This course aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills to develop national resilience frameworks that can improve national and collective security in the face of complex threats and hazards, including large scale disasters, domestic crises, and irregular or hybrid warfare.

The course emphasized planning considerations and capabilities requirements for countering full-spectrum threats and hazards that target the civil population and critical infrastructure and services. It explored government coordination with the civil and private sectors, reflecting the interconnected and interdependent nature of defense and security requirements.

Objectives include:
♦ Distinguish various characteristics and applications of national resilience
♦ Understand and apply whole-of-government resilience models to improve emergency preparedness and national
♦ security
♦ Develop risk identification and management measures for preventing, mitigating, or recovering from systemic
♦ shocks and failures
♦ Inform, prepare, protect, and mobilize civil sector constituents as essential components of national resilience
♦ Identify key public-private sector interdependencies and associated risk management, planning, and coordination

To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, visit the SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB.

National Resilience for Defense & Security