Certification 2.0 Course Beta Testing

DSCU holds itself accountable to a higher standard of security cooperation education and practice by building and using evidence-based knowledge to inform DSCU’s operations, revamped curriculum, and teaching methodologies.

DSCU has been working to develop the training and education that fulfills not only what was asked of DSCA in Section 384 of Title 10, updated in Section 1204 of the FY’24 NDAA, but also the security cooperation-specific training and education required to fully realize the National Security and Defense Strategies.

Accountability is a DSCU core value. Therefore, DSCU recognizes that curriculum transparency and security cooperation workforce (SCW) participation in the beta testing of this curriculum is essential to ensure the curriculum fully prepares the workforce for their jobs and to receive real-time feedback.   

Available courses for Beta testing and proposed test dates are listed below:

Course Beta Tested

FMS 151 Foundational FMS
FMS 265 FMS Logistics




    As part of the progressive implementation of Certification 2.0, course beta testing is an opportunity for the SCW to voluntarily participate in the development of DSCU’s Certification 2.0 curriculum. SCW volunteers will receive online education and training, take tests, and provide feedback. This feedback will be reviewed prior to course availability to the entire SCW.  

    Coded SCW members, find more information about Certification 2.0 coding, are invited to participate in courses aligned to their functional area and proficiency level. 

    SCW member that satisfactorily participate in the course, pass the tests, and provide feedback will receive certification credit.  

    Beta testing messages will go out via Cornerstone On Demand with specific dates and contact information. Due to available space, DSCU is unfortunately restricted in the number of available volunteer beta testing positions. Please check your accounts and get in early.