Registrar, Travel, and IT

Travel Office


Registrar's Office

The dedicated personnel in the DSCU Registrar's office assist students with class and enrollment verification, certificate requests, travel and lodging assistance and many other services. This office is a student's primary point of contact when dealing with DSCU.

The Registrar's office is your primary point of contact when dealing with DSCU. Get help with class and enrollment verification, certificate requests, travel and lodging assistance, and much more.


This office is located adjacent to the Student Lounge area on the third floor (Room 307) within the DSCU Wright-Patterson AFB facility.

Commercial Telephone:


Mailing Address:

DSCU Registrars Office
2475 K Street, Building 52
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433





Accessibility/Section 508

DSCU Online Learning Help Desk

Email the Online Learning Help Desk for help with CSOD, Blackboard, and Collaborate issues. Emails received outside business hours will be answered the next business day.

NOTE: The Online Learning Help Desk is not available by telephone.

Hours of Operation:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST, Monday - Friday


Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD)