What is CornerStone OnDemand (CSOD)?
Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) is a learning/student management system that provides DSCU’s students with a single interface to manage their learning experience, including course registration and completion and access to student records.
Why did DSCU deploy Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD)?
Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) improves the student experience, especially to maximize efficiency and flexibility for the online learner. The single point of entry reduces time spent logging in as well as the time to manually request certificates and other student records. Upon registration in the CSOD learning management system, students are able to access online courses immediately. This feature supports maximum flexibility to meet the needs of DSCU students, while maintaining continuity with Blackboard for both student and faculty learning experience.
Which URL address should I use to enter myDSCU (CSOD)?
Please use dau.csod.com to login to CSOD.
What if I have trouble logging in to Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD)?
If you are not able to log in to CSOD, click the "Need help signing in?" button at the bottom of the login screen. If you still have difficulties, you will likely need to submit a System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) to request an account.
Why do I see "DAU" on some of the Cornerstone pages?
While the login page is through DAU, this should not affect access to CSOD and will take you to DSCU content after logging in with your account.
What if I see the DAU Landing Page (red-themed) instead of the DSCU Landing Page (blue-themed)?
If you are listed in CSOD under the wrong sub-organization within DSCA, you can submit a "User Record Update Request" from the landing page in CSOD to make the necessary adjustments. Even while under the DAU hierarchy, you can register for and take DSCU classes, as we share classes within CSOD.
What is the benefit to students of Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD)?
Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) offers a one-stop-shop student experience, allowing students to access course information, register for courses, complete courses, and access their student record via a single sign-in system interface. Upon registration in the CSOD learning management system, students will be able to access online courses immediately in Blackboard. This feature supports maximum flexibility to meet the needs of DSCU students, while maintaining continuity with Blackboard for both student and faculty learning experience.
When was Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) deployed?
Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) was officially deployed June 30. After June 30, students register for all courses via Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD). Using their CSOD CAC-enabled login, students are able to access and complete courses as well as to access their student record, including accessing and downloading certificates instead of having to request those records from the Registrar.
What is different for student users now that Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) is deployed?
Now that Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) is deployed, DSCU students use CSOD as the single point of entry to manage their learning experience. Rather than having to access multiple systems with separate logins to register, access courses, and view student records, students are able to complete all of these actions via CSOD login.
Does Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) replace Blackboard?
No. Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) is the single point of entry system that manages the learning experience, inclusive of Blackboard, where the student will continue to take classes.
Will I need to create a new login and password to access Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD)?
Yes. Students will need to register in Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD). Most students will be able to use their CAC to access CSOD for DSCU School of SC Studies courses.
Why are my previously-taken classes missing in Cornerstone onDemand?
While transferring student records from the old student management system to Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD), only classes that were completed by a student with an EDIPI on file in the old system were able to be migrated to CSOD. If a student can identify what records should have been migrated for them, we can often verify them and migrate them manually.