DSCU Call for Proposals: Edited Volume on FMS

February 7, 2024

The Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) proposes to publish an edited volume on foreign military sales (FMS). The purpose of the volume is to help policymakers, planners, and implementers to think differently about FMS challenges and opportunities.

The volume’s key audience is the security cooperation professional and aims to inform the practice of security cooperation. It will be organized around four FMS-relevant themes, each with three to five chapters of scholarly quality: law and policy, industry, process, and partnerships.

The proposed volume will focus on FMS (and foreign military financing, or FMF) as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy. This includes all activities based on Title 22 FMS or FMF authorities. In common parlance, the term FMS refers to the transfer of defense articles and services for which the receiving country pays, but the same authority in the Arms Export Control Act that authorizes these sales also authorizes the U.S. Government to pay for these transfers.


The full call for proposals is available HERE. Any interested individuals may propose chapter concepts via an online form: https://forms.osi.apps.mil/r/pT234DbRaj (submissions must be unclassified and must not contain any controlled unclassified information or sensitive information).

Please direct any questions to the DSCU team at dsca.ncr.dscu.mbx.ralli@mail.mil, with “FMS Edited Volume” in the subject line.

graphic of a beige tank