Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Visit to DSCU

April 11, 2023

The Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) hosted a visiting team of faculty and graduate students from the Bush School of Government and Public Service of Texas A&M University April 6, 2023.  The group of eight master’s degree candidates and one faculty advisor came to the National Capital Region to brief the results of their research and solicit feedback on their capstone project comparing the efficacy of U.S. Security Cooperation efforts with Ukraine and Iraq between 2012 and 2022.

 The team met with senior and working level officials at both Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) and Office of the Secretary of Defense-Policy including Michelle Strucke, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Partnerships; Chidi Blyden, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs; Mr. James Hursch, DSCA Director; Dr. Celeste Gventer, DSCU President; and Alan Gorowitz, DSCA Senior Strategy Advisor.

The visit was conducted as part of DSCU’s Learning Agenda, through which DSCU partners with civilian educational and research institutions to build the knowledge base and promote learning that improves the practice and advances the field of Security Cooperation.

Group photo