The Report
The Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) is pleased to share the 2023 Security Cooperation Conference Report with the Security Cooperation Enterprise. The report is not a restatement of what happened during the conference; rather, it is an analytic account of the conference.
DSCU and The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs hosted the second annual Security Cooperation Conference, “Delivering on the Promise of Security Cooperation,” on October 12–13, 2023. The conference included 253 participants from 67 different organizations, including three U.S. Government departments, five combatant commands, four military services, five Department of Defense (DOD) regional centers, three congressional committees, and fourteen universities.
The 2023 Security Cooperation Conference examined the practice of Security Cooperation to inform U.S. policymakers, planners, and implementers responsible for advancing the National Defense Strategy (NDS) through global partnerships and international cooperation.
For more information, or to reach out with questions, please contact DSCU: dsca.ncr.dscu.mbx.conference@mail.mil.