Ian Wexler

Welcome Ian Wexler

September 27, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance would like to extend a warm welcome to ISG’s new Director, Ian S. Wexler.

Mr. Wexler comes to ISG by way of our DSCU’s sister component, the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS). Under Mr. Wexler’s leadership, DIILS continued to thrive through a highly dynamic period, sustaining global mission execution during the substantial constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic

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DIILS Partners with Bulgarian Navy

September 27, 2023

A team from the Defense Security Cooperation University’s (DSCU) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) recently traveled to Bulgaria to meet with members of the Bulgarian Navy as part of an ongoing Security Cooperation program.

Somalia Map

Somalia ICB Engagement on Operational Readiness

September 26, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance – with the support of the Office of Security Cooperation Somalia – recently concluded an Institutional Capacity Building engagement focused on operational readiness in Somalia. This series of workshops are part of a program meant to support the Somalia Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the Somalia National Armed Forces (SNAF) in developing an operational readiness reporting process for personnel, equipment, critical supplies, and training. Partner nation participation for this workshop crossed all echelons of command, from MoD to the Danab Brigade. Further, this iteration marked the first time that the Somalia Navy participated in the ISG workshop series.

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September 25, 2023

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Policy (OSDP) announced today that the Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI) realigned to the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU), a directorate of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).

Jordan Featured Article

Royal Jordanian Navy Maritime Domain Awareness Capability Based Assessment: Security and Protecting the Maritime Borders of Jordan

September 21, 2023

In July 2023, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) Jordan team working with the Royal Jordanian Navy (RJN) completed a 7-month Capability Based Assessment (CBA) focused on Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA). The U.S. Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché (SDO/DATT) and Military Assistance Program-Jordan (MAP-J) initiated the CBA in order to support Jordanian efforts to secure the maritime borders of Jordan, secure the vital infrastructure of the Port of Aqaba, and enable the establishment of a Coast Guard unit.

Senegal Map

Senegal ICB Advising on Military Intelligence Officer Cadre

September 19, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently concluded a successful ICB engagement in Dakar, Senegal, comprising a Key Leader Engagement with the Armed Forces of Senegal (FAS) to support development of a military intelligence officer cadre. This engagement supported ongoing security enhancements for an important West African partner to counter piracy, non-state terrorist organizations, and other threats to regional security.