Moda SECDEF Award

ISG Wins Fourth Secretary of Defense Maintenance Award

October 11, 2023

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) Ukraine Ministry of Defense Resident Advisor (MoDA) team was awarded the 2023 Secretary of Defense Maintenance Award for Sustainment Training, Advice, and Assistance of Foreign Military Forces, Ministerial category. Through the stalwart efforts of the five MoDAs assigned to Ukraine, the MoDA Program Support team, and ISG’s Ukraine Regional Program Lead, the Department of Defense demonstrated unwavering U.S. commitment to Ukraine amidst a major Russian military offensive, delivering a wide spectrum of advice and assistance to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

Group photo

DIILS Engages with Georgia

October 11, 2023

A team from the Defense Security Cooperation University’s (DSCU) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) recently traveled to Georgia to meet with members of the Georgian military.


ISG’s Sandra O’Hern Published in the JAG Reporter

October 5, 2023

Congratulations to ISG Europe Regional Program Lead Ms. Sandra O’Hern on her latest article published in the AFJAG Reporter.

The article, “Operational Legal Advisors as Champions of Legal Resiliency in the Fight Against Hybrid Threats,” examines how increasingly the law is being used as an instrument of power and its own operational domain, particularly within the context of hybrid warfare and as an element of strategic power competition.

October Heron

ISG Heron October Issue

October 3, 2023

Announcing the latest ISG Heron – a quarterly newsletter highlighting the Institute’s work in Security Cooperation and Institutional Capacity Building as well as the people who contribute to this important mission.

In this issue, ISG:
• Welcomes new ISG Director, Ian Wexler, as well as two new faculty members.
• Celebrates a “Season of Collaboration” among ISG colleagues.
• Highlights the recent UN Peacekeeping Operations Contingent Commanders course.
• Spotlights a State Partnership Program workshop on African Security & Climate Change.
• Delves into a Theater Logistics Readiness Program engagement in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Photo of Colonel Elizabeth F. Allen

Colonel Elizabeth F. Allen New DIILS Director

September 29, 2023

Colonel Elizabeth F. Allen, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, U.S. Army, assumed the directorship of the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) September 29, 2023.

Group photo

DIILS Partners with Bulgarian Navy

September 27, 2023

A team from the Defense Security Cooperation University’s (DSCU) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) recently traveled to Bulgaria to meet with members of the Bulgarian Navy as part of an ongoing Security Cooperation program.