Latest News

New Posts provide a quick snapshot of the Institute's various Institutional Capacity Building activities around the globe.

Poland ICB Engagement

Poland ICB Engagement

February 28, 2023

An ISG team recently had the pleasure of meeting with Polish Air Inspectorate partners, to include a  visit to the 2nd Tactical Air Wing at Krzesiny Air Base to learn more about current F-16 and future F-35 air operations. ISG looks forward to continued collaboration Poland as a key NATO partner and leader in regional air operations.

Slovakia Post

Institutional Capacity Building Cooperation

February 16, 2023

An ISG Team and members of the 162nd Wing, Arizona Air National Guard, were hosted by the Slovak Air Force to a site visit at Sliač Air Base – the future home of 14 new F-16 aircraft.

In addition to touring base facilities, the Team learned about Slovak Air Force maintenance and pilot training capabilities and how we can continue to support our partner in Institutional Capacity Building efforts and Security Cooperation in the future.

ICB in the Indo-Pacific Region

ICB in the Indo-Pacific Region

February 9, 2023

In the last few weeks, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) has been hard at work in the Indo-Pacific region building partner capacity.

ISG sent two Teams to Thailand: One to support the Royal Thai Navy in developing an improved common operating picture for Maritime Domain Awareness, and another to conduct a United Nations Military Observers Course for thirty-six Thai field grade officers and five other regional partners in conjunction with United States Indo-Pacific Command.

ISG Support Maritime Readiness in the Dominican Republic

ISG Support Maritime Readiness in the Dominican Republic

February 2, 2023

The United States takes an active role in safeguarding its maritime domain as well as maintaining a high level of preparedness within the maritime community around the globe. Two years ago, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) began supporting the Dominican Republic (DR) by working with its Navy to increase its maritime readiness. The goal of this partnership is to advance U.S. national security and policy objectives by advancing Dominican institutional capabilities. As the Department of Defense’s leading implementer for Institutional Capacity Building (ICB), the Institute strives to improve security sector governance and core management competencies needed to effectively achieve shared security objectives.

ISG’s Whitney Grespin Authors WPS Chapter in New Book

ISG’s Whitney Grespin Authors WPS Chapter in New Book

February 2, 2023

Congratulations to ISG Africa Regional Program Lead Dr. Whitney Grespin for her significant contribution to the recently published book, Sandhurst Trends in International Conflict: Women, Peace and Security in Military Operations, edited by Andree-Anne Melancon and Max Thompson (Howgate Publishing). Dr. Grespin authored Chapter 6: Enhancing Operational Effectiveness Through an Analysis of the Women, Peace, and Security Environment in Djibouti.


FY22 Security Cooperation Figures Announcement

January 27, 2023

DSCA and ISG would like to announce the Fiscal Year 2022 U.S. arms transfer figures, as well as other notable Security Cooperation community statistics highlighting the depth and breadth of U.S. Security Cooperation efforts.

Security Cooperation programs such as the Foreign Military Sales and International Military Education and Training (IMET) programs are important tools of U.S. foreign policy with potential long-term implications for the regional and global security of U.S. allies and partner nations.