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New Posts provide a quick snapshot of the Institute's various Institutional Capacity Building activities around the globe.

Slovak Air Force

ISG Engagement with Slovak Air Force

July 13, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently engaged with leaders from the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Air Force Headquarters.

The ISG team was accompanied by members from the Indiana Air National Guard (State Partnership Program), United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), and the USAF F-16 Program Office.

The team discussed approaches to the integration of new F-16s into the Slovak Air Force as well as incorporating best practices from the Slovak UH-60 program.

ISG looks forward to continuing its valuable and beneficial cooperation with Slovak partners.

Sri Lanka MARSEC Met

ICB at Work in Sri Lanka Focused on Maritime Security

July 11, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently conducted two consecutive, week-long, mobile education courses in Colombo, Sri Lanka for 21 mid to senior-level Navy, Coast Guard, and civilian officials. The first week focused on the “Fundamentals of Maritime Security,” while the second week delved into “Comprehensive Approaches to Building Maritime Domain Awareness Capabilities.” Both courses concluded with challenging, reality-based table-top exercises.

July Heron 2023

ISG Heron July Issue

July 5, 2023

Announcing the latest ISG Heron – a quarterly newsletter highlighting our work in Security Cooperation and Institutional Capacity Building as well as the people who contribute to this important mission.

In this issue ISG:
• Recounts an SC Development from DSCU President, Dr. Gventer
• Highlights two unique perspectives from Women in Defense Advising
• Wishes Fair Winds and Following Seas to Dr. Robert Baumann
• Recaps activities bolstering Ukrainian National Resiliency
• Rounds-up Peacekeeping Activities around the globe
• Celebrates another year of success with an ISG Turns Four report
• Provides exciting updates from ISG HQ

AFRICOM ISG Africa SPP Workshop

State Partnership Program Workshop on African Security & Climate Change

June 27, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG), in coordination with the National Guard Bureau - International Affairs (NGB-IA) and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), conducted a symposium focused on “African Security and Climate Change” from 31 May-1 June 2023 for State Partnership Programs (SPP) partnered with African countries. The workshop brought together stakeholders from the SPP teams, the NGB-IA, AFRICOM J5, the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy (OSD-P), the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of State (DOS), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS), the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), and other experts to dialogue on the nexus between climate change and Security Cooperation; to promote whole of government-regional approaches, and to develop recommendations for better integrating climate security into broader Security Cooperation and SPP activities.

Kenya Map

ISG Advising in Kenya

June 27, 2023

Recently, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) facilitated a workshop with the Kenya Ministry of Defense (KMoD) to collaborate on a civilian professionalization plan within the Kenyan civil service. Moving forward with ISG support, the KMoD staff will conduct their own review sessions, in-country interviews, and international case studies on civil service reform to help shape new policy.

ISG looks forward to continuing this important advising effort with plans for future working sessions with the Kenya Defense Force and the Kenya Public Service Commission.

Dev Cyber Org & Workforces Class Photo

Developing Cyber Organizations and Workforces

June 22, 2023

All the best to the latest group of course participants to complete ISG’s resident course: DEVELOPING CYBER ORGANIZATIONS AND WORKFORCES.

This course recognizes that establishing an organization and workforce capable of conducting defensive missions in cyberspace takes careful, deliberate planning and collaborative relationships across a ministry and across government. Through instruction, classroom discussions, and practical exercises, participants are introduced to the concepts and knowledge necessary to lead the development of their organizations’ cyber strategy, cyber policy, cyber budgeting, cyber acquisition, and cyber workforce.