FY22 Security Cooperation Figures Announcement

January 27, 2023

DSCA and ISG would like to announce the Fiscal Year 2022 U.S. arms transfer figures, as well as other notable Security Cooperation community statistics highlighting the depth and breadth of U.S. Security Cooperation efforts.

Security Cooperation programs such as the Foreign Military Sales and International Military Education and Training (IMET) programs are important tools of U.S. foreign policy with potential long-term implications for the regional and global security of U.S. allies and partner nations.  

One of the efforts that we would like to highlight is the number of international education and advising events we have executed.  ISG conducted 451 advising activities, education, and training engagements involving over 5,000 ministerial and military personnel, from 111 Partner Nations.

Go to DSCA.mil to see the complete breakdown of the Security Cooperation facts and figures for FY2022.