Principles of Defense Acquisition & Contract Management

December 14, 2023

Congratulations to the latest cohort of International Defense Acquisition Resource Management (IDARM) “Principles of Defense Acquisition and Contract Management” graduates. This particular resident course was conducted with Spanish simultaneous interpretation and tailored to focus on specific challenges and opportunities within the Latin American context at DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance in beautiful Monterey, California. 

The forthcoming iteration of the resident course is slated to take place from November 11 to November 22, 2024.

This IDARM course provides a practical examination of defense acquisition and contracting with an emphasis on defense acquisition logistics, contract management, and building and sustaining accountability in defense acquisition decision-making. The course addresses the importance of managing risk throughout the defense acquisition life cycle, with a focus on logistics implementation.

Course topics included:
♦ Defense acquisition planning
♦ Effective acquisition and procurement policy
♦ Procurement and contracting
♦ Transparency, fraud, and ethics
♦ Logistics and life cycle management
♦ Building and sustaining accountability in defense
acquisition decision-making

The course is designed specifically for Spanish-speaking international military officers of grades O-4 to O-6 and civilian equivalents who are engaged in a broad range of defense acquisition (e.g., policy development, strategic planning, requirements definition, logistics, program management) and/or contract management fields.

To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, click here to visit the SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB.

Principles of Defense Acquisition & Contract Management