Nick Tomb Participates in WPS Workshop

April 12, 2023

Job well done to Mr. Nicholas Tomb – ISG’s Security Governance Functional Lead and Women, Peace, and Security Functional Co-lead – for his March 2023 participation in a Women, Peace and Security (WPS) workshop organized by the Inter-American Defense College in Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. 

During the workshop, Mr. Tomb played a crucial role in supporting workshop design planning, facilitating three small group activities, and delivering a panel presentation titled, “Setting Conditions to Advance WPS Operationally & Institutionally: Beyond What—HOW.” 

The event, which included 35 participants from 12 countries from the NORTHCOM/SOUTHCOM regions, provided a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and best practices on this important topic. 

Read more about Women, Peace, and Security initiatives at ISG here.

Nick Tomb Participates In WPS Workshop