ISG Women, Peace, and Security in Peacekeeping Operations Course

September 20, 2024

Congratulations to the latest cohort of graduates from the Institute for Security Governance's "Women, Peace, and Security in Peacekeeping Operations" course. The course enables participants to effectively implement the United Nations Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda in ongoing peacekeeping missions.

The effective engagement, protection and full inclusion of women in peace building processes, both as peacekeepers and community members, is essential to the establishment of sustainable peace outcomes in post conflict environments.  At the end of this course, participants should be able to effectively promote the WPS agenda, concepts, and approaches at the national level and in peace operations.

Objectives include:

♦ Discuss the legal frameworks and UN policy guidance and mandates on the WPS agenda
♦ Identify and differentiate concepts and terminologies, including Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Child Protection
♦ Discuss uniformed men’s and women’s participation in peacekeeping, including barriers, opportunities, and linkage to peacekeeping capabilities
♦ Outline WPS roles and responsibilities of mission components and partners
♦ Identify lessons learned and implementation strategies on gender responsive peacekeeping to ensure Protection of Civilians (POC)
♦ Articulate the importance of gender responsive conflict analysis to military planning and execution

To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, visit the SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB.

Group photo