ISG Executes a Theater Logistics Readiness Program Engagement in Bosnia & Herzegovina

David Shealy

July 27, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance’s (ISG) Logistics experts, along with colleagues from the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy – Global Partnerships (OUSD GP), recently executed a two-week Theater Logistics Readiness Program (TLRP) engagement in Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH). Among the Balkan allies who participated were twenty officers from the militaries of BIH, Albania, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. ISG’s primary role was to facilitate the NATO Logistics Interoperability workshop, with support from the BIH Office for Defense Cooperation and U.S. European Command (USEUCOM).  

TLRP’s overall objective is to enhance interoperability among key participating countries. Enhanced interoperability is crucial in the planning and execution of forming, deploying, sustaining, and redeploying units. An emphasis is placed on the development of multinational logistics support, and on providing coordinated host nation support that complements preplanned access, basing, and overflight. Altogether, these elements enhance the speed of logistics support and onward movement across the EUCOM area of responsibility.

The two workshops, “Host Nation Support” and “Regional Logistics,” built towards a culminating exercise where participants demonstrated their understanding of the material and developed country specific recommendations for their leadership to better integrate NATO logistics doctrine and policies into national logistics policy and procedures.  TLRP is designed around increasing interoperability for a commonly agreed upon set of standards for NATO and Partnership for Peace countries. Using this model outside the NATO context could include facilitating regional best practice conversations and seeking agreement on common regional best practices among partners. The regional workshops also provide a great opportunity to build relationships and forge long standing lines of communication among neighboring countries within a region. Additionally, these workshops provide a vehicle for allies and partners to contribute to NATO interoperability and partner development. TLRP clearly enhances logistics institutional capacity building across the EUCOM AOR.

Allies and partners actively participated throughout the workshop. ISG received very positive feedback from all the participants. ISG Logistics Lead, Mr. David Shealy noted:

“The most common feedback was that the workshops provided immense value as building blocks for logistics tabletop exercises, (tabletop exercises are designed into the TLRP Special Security Cooperation Initiatives (SSCI) for partners that do not have regular opportunities to test NATO interoperability), and that these are important regional logistics networking events that help facilitate regional problem solving and working together.”

Logistics Capacity Building (LCB) is a critical functional area within ISG that is focused on improving the ability of our partners and allies to sustain their own forces and operate in multinational operations. For more information about LCB, please peruse the ISG website and its Education and Professional Development Course Catalog.  

Dave Shealy Bosnia TLRP Logistics