ICB in Kenya

February 14, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance’s Institutional Capacity Building efforts in Kenya include a line of effort focused on cross-agency coordination, capability standardization, and competent civilian oversight.

In that vein, Kenya’s Defense Cabinet Secretary recently hosted officials from the Kenya United States Liaison Office (KUSLO) for the Heads of Department in the Kenyan Ministry of Defence. The high-level meeting, led by ISG’s Ms. Jessie Evans (pictured), was a culmination of a week-long workshop on the best practices and technical support for the civilian staff. 

The Cabinet Secretary applauded the delegation for the robust workshop saying the Ministry was determined to motivate the civilian staff by ensuring their career progression and retention. 

“We are in the high stages of developing the Defence Civilian Policy which shall go to Parliament and later to the Cabinet for approval. We, therefore, want to entrench the best recommendations in the document to ensure that the Ministry becomes the best place for the civilian staff thus we are going to learn from the best to widen our experience,” said the CS. 

ICB in Kenya