ICB in Brazil

February 5, 2024

The Institute for Security Governance recently concluded an Institutional Capacity Building engagement in Brasilia, Brazil focused on Defense Management and Planning (CGPD) for the Brazilian Armed Forces and the Brazilian Ministry of Defense (MoD). This initiative is rooted in the Escola Superior de Defesa (ESD) 2023 mandate to incorporate CGPD into its curriculum. 

Notably, ISG advising briefs on Joint Capability Planning in NATO included participants from the Center for Political & Strategic Studies of the Navy – the advisory body to the Navy Chief of Staff. 

The engagement represents a significant step in bilateral, Brazil-U.S. defense coordination. Since 2021, ISG has supported the efforts of the Brazilian MoD Advisory on Capability Based Planning, and the ESD in educating military and civilian personnel in aspects of defense resource management. These efforts have contributed greatly to the efficiency and effectiveness of the Brazilian Armed Forces.

ICB in Brazil