Cybersecurity Policy & Practice Course

March 30, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance recently concluded a resident course in “Cybersecurity Policy & Practice” at ISG HQ in Monterey, California. This course explores policies and practices necessary to protect and defend the data, networks, systems, and platforms that are essential for military and security organizations, and that underpin economic, social, governmental, and political activity in society. 

Instructors highlight the importance of effective cybersecurity as a national security imperative and, introduce participants to cyber mission assurance, explore barriers to effective policy and practical implementation, and consider the latest practices and innovations for building cyber resilience.

Upon conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
♦ Analyze, design, and implement policies and practices for safeguarding data, networks, systems, and platforms
♦ Explain cyber concept foundations, system compromise considerations, and threat intelligence sharing mechanisms
♦ Undertake assessments of organizational cybersecurity postures and capabilities
♦ Employ effective risk management measures for cyber defense
♦ Describe the utility of evolving commercial technologies and innovations
♦ Evaluate and develop national and organizational priorities for cybersecurity enhancements

Learn more about Cyber Capability course offerings on ISG's Schoolhouse Information Hub.

Cybersecurity Policy & Practice