SSCS Faculty Engages Swiss Defence Procurement Professionals

March 18, 2024

The Defense Security Cooperation University’s School of Security Cooperation Studies (SSCS) Mobile Training Team (MTT) conducted an International Partner Security Cooperation Finance and Logistics course in Bern, Switzerland February 26 – March 8, 2024. The course facilitated an active learning environment for Swiss partners and addresses key U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) concepts in the context of Security Cooperation.

The SSCS faculty team trained 13 civilians from armasuisse, the Federal Office for Defence Procurement. Armasuisse is the Competence Center for Procurement, Technology and Real Estate within the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS).

Switzerland has a robust Foreign Military Sales portfolio. The portfolio includes acquisition and support for Patriot Missile Systems, F-35 aircraft, F/A-18 aircraft, and F-5 aircraft.

The U.S. Embassy Switzerland Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) team engaged throughout the course and provided an ODC-specific Security Cooperation orientation brief to the class. The course graduation was presided over by armasuisse senior leaders, along with members from the U.S. Embassy ODC.


DSCU’s mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of Security Cooperation through the education, training, and development of the U.S. Security Cooperation workforce and through the education, training, and Institutional Capacity Building of partner nations; and to produce research, analysis, and lessons learned that expand the intellectual foundations of Security Cooperation.

Founded in 1976, as the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM), DSCU’s SSCS is the focal point of FMS education for all Department of Defense personnel and international partner personnel engaged in managing Security Cooperation programs.

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