French Army Officer Speaks to Legal Aspects of Combating Terrorism Resident Course

May 11, 2023

French Army Captain Thomas Vermeulen, currently assigned to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces in Paris, spoke to the Legal Aspects of Combating Terrorism course on the topic of “French Forces in the Sahel- NIAC Legal Issues." His excellent presentation explained current French operations and how the Law of Armed Conflict is being applied to them.

As a component of the Defense Security Cooperation University, DIILS advances U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by building the legal capacity of Partner Nations to respond to shared security challenges in a responsible, accountable, and legally compliant manner through activities that promote the rule of law, enhance compliance with human rights and international humanitarian law, and support effective and responsible democratic governance.

News item #60162

French Army Captain Thomas Vermeulen speaking to class