DIILS Resident Course Hosts Record Number of Participants

August 16, 2023

The Defense Security Cooperation University’s (DSCU) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), located in Newport, R. I., recently surpassed the highest recorded annual total of international students in residence with DIILS. To recognize the occasion, DIILS hosted a visit from Dr. Jason Fritz, the DSCU Chief Academic Officer, and a cake cutting ceremony with international students.

For 30 years, DIILS been the lead U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Security Cooperation resource for global legal engagement with Partner Nation security sector institutions and personnel. As Security Cooperation continues to grow in importance as a tool of national security, DIILS’ objectives remain: “To develop and implement effective security cooperation programs that build partner legal capacity, including equitable, transparent and accountable defense institutions, civilian control of the military, observance of International Human Rights and the Law of Armed Conflict, and democratic governance.”

To meet these objectives, DIILS offers Legal Institutional Capacity Building and Rule of Law programs, as well as Resident Course offerings covering the full spectrum of rule of law issues. DIILS has hosted a record number of 219 international military and civilian students in Newport during the Fiscal Year 2023 academic year.

DIILS offers nine resident courses each year focused on a spectrum of ‘Rule of Law’ topics for Partner Nation participants at DIILS education center Education Center. Most courses are three to four weeks in length and participants also attend Field Studies events in Newport, Boston, New York City or Washington, D.C.

DSCU’s DIILS is jointly staffed with Judge Advocates from each branch of the U.S. armed forces, as well as a cadre of experienced DOD civilian attorneys and support personnel. Since its inception in 1992 as the international training detachment at the Naval Justice School, and subsequent transfer to DSCA in 2000, DIILS has provided legal Security Cooperation programming for more than 78,000 international military and civilian participants from more than 180 countries.

DSCU’s cross-functional and worldwide team of more than 350 dedicated professionals conduct training, education, research, institutional capacity building, and advising efforts in support of the Security Cooperation workforce, strategic partners, and the National Defense Strategy. In collaboration with the rest of DSCA, the University and its components plans for and respond to the real-world challenges and requirements of those we serve.

Cake cutting ceremony