DIILS Partners with Ukraine

August 27, 2021

A DIILS team traveled to Ukraine in August and met with partners from Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and the Military Law Institute in Kharkiv. They also traveled to Kyiv to meet with leaders and legal professionals from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces.

The discussions focused on human rights training initiatives and other areas of collaboration on legal security cooperation. Participants also took part in a round table discussion on "Improving the teaching of international humanitarian law and human rights law for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", organized by the National Law University. In his opening remarks, the Rector of the University stated “the topic of the round table is extremely relevant for Ukraine in the context of hostilities in the East of our country. The conduct of the Joint Forces operation and the countering of military aggression by the Russian Federation requires strict observance of international humanitarian law and human rights law in the context of military conflict. It is important for Ukraine to study the best world practices and international experience in this field, especially NATO standards. Ukraine's integration into the North Atlantic community is carried out in close partnership with the United States.”

He also added, “Our University has a long history of cooperation with the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS). Since 2004, as part of this cooperation, DIILS has held an annual seminar for students on the topics of Legal aspects of peacekeeping operations, Law and the fight against terrorism, Military Tribunal Process, Human Rights and others.”

DIILS very much looks forward to continued work with our Ukrainian partners in the near future.

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