DIILS Engages with North Macedonia

September 5, 2023

A team from the Defense Security Cooperation University’s (DSCU) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) recently traveled to North Macedonia to conduct a seminar on Human Rights and the Law of Armed Conflict with members of the N. Macedonian Army.

As a component of DSCU, DIILS’ broad mission is to advance U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by building the capacity of foreign security forces to respond to shared security challenges in a responsible, accountable, and legally compliant manner. DIILS achieves this mission through activities that promote the rule of law, enhance compliance with human rights and international humanitarian law standards, and support effective and responsible democratic governance. DIILS is jointly staffed with Judge Advocates from each branch of the U.S. armed forces, as well as a cadre of experienced Department of Defense civilian attorneys and support personnel.

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