DIILS Charter

picture of a golden lady holding up a scale
  • The Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), under the functional direction of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, is the lead defense security cooperation resource for professional legal education, training, and rule of law programs for international military and related civilians globally.
  • DIILS, through mobile education teams, resident, and other programs, will strive to develop and implement effective programs to support Rule of Law, including equitable and accountable security and justice sectors, civilian control of the military, human rights, and democracy.
  • DIILS will, first and foremost, plan and conduct all activities in support of Office of the Secretary of Defense priorities and the Geographic Combatant Commanders' theater campaign objectives.
  • DIILS will be diligent and responsive in its relationships with and responsibility to its stakeholders to include the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, the General Counsel of the Department of Defense, and the Judge Advocate Generals of the Military Services.
  • DIILS must maintain a flexible and expeditionary capability with a focus on meeting current strategic requirements with a timely application of uniformed and civilian expertise in all areas promoting the rule of law.
  • DIILS is committed to the highest level of professionalism in all our programs, to include meeting our responsibilities to our international participants by providing unrivaled subject matter expertise and curriculum in a manner that recognizes and respects cultural sensitivities and encourages diversity of opinion.
  • DIILS will maintain an environment that supports the professional growth, safety, and well-being of those uniformed and civilian personnel who accomplish its critical global mission.