PR-220 Policy and Resourcing: The Value Arms Market
Policy and Resourcing 220 is designed to inform SC practitioners about the world’s value arms market. The “value market” is the arms market consisting of smaller transaction values of new and refurbished equipment and is especially tailored towards third and fourth world nations who cannot afford the latest generation of equipment. This course significant importance for Security Cooperation workforce personnel assigned to embassies in third and fourth world countries. I am planning on an interview that will be filmed with Dr. Vasabjit Banerjee, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville who is a leading researcher in this area.
- Delivery Mode:
- Course Length in Hours:
- SC Continuous Learning Hours:
- Class Available
- Date Available
- Functional Area:
- Proficiency Level
- Course Category:
Primary FA
- Key Billet/Position(s)