SCO-220 Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Operations Course 

**As of 30 Sep 24, SCO-220 will be inactivated; all registrations for attendance after 1 October 2024 should be directed to SCO-250 Security Cooperation Organization (SCO) Qualification Course **

The SCO Operations Course consists of approximately 36 training days at three locations: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; Muscatatuck, Indiana; and the National Capital Region (NCR). The course includes eight phases which provide crucial, foundational knowledge for executing security cooperation activities with our allies and partners to meet national security objectives. The SCO Operations Course also includes training that is equivalent to the Department of State (DoS)-mandated Foreign Affairs Counter Threat (FACT) Course.  Students who already have completed FACT skip this phase of the course.  The SCO Operations Course is a full-time course (except weekends and federal holidays). This course is meant to meet the SC workforce certification level of PRACTITIONER – Security Cooperation Organization