Please carefully read the instructions below before attempting to proceed to myDSCU.
Existing Accounts
Those with existing myDSCU accounts may click the myDSCU Login button below to sign in now. For assistance with login, use the login screen’s "Need help signing in?" link for help.
New Accounts
To create or reset an account, click the myDSCU SAAR Form button below and use the applicable set of instructions at the bottom of this page to create a new myDSCU account or to reconnect to an existing myDSCU account.
Depending on the circumstance, either a U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) ID (EDIPI), Social Security Account Number (SSAN), or Foreign Identification Number (FIN) must be used for identification and to prevent duplicate accounts. Within myDSCU, all students are identified only by Defense Acquisition University ID (DAUID) numbers.
Within 15 minutes after submitting completed SAAR form, a welcome email from DAU will be sent to the provided email address. Contact the DAU Help Desk if a welcome email is not received.
- DAU Help Desk
Phone: 703-805-3459 | 866-568-6924
DSN: 655-3459
Option 1 - ServiceNow Portal
Emails are sent from, check Spam/Junk Mail folders prior to contacting DAU. Please follow all instructions in the email carefully. Accounts can be accessed at or by using the myDSCU Login button above.