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New Posts provide a quick snapshot of the Institute's various Institutional Capacity Building activities around the globe.

Senegal Map

Senegal ICB Advising on Military Intelligence Officer Cadre

September 19, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently concluded a successful ICB engagement in Dakar, Senegal, comprising a Key Leader Engagement with the Armed Forces of Senegal (FAS) to support development of a military intelligence officer cadre. This engagement supported ongoing security enhancements for an important West African partner to counter piracy, non-state terrorist organizations, and other threats to regional security.

NMI presents ISG Report on Cybersecurity Threats in Iraq

NMI Presents ISG Report on Cybersecurity Threats in Iraq to Iraqi President

September 13, 2023

During a recent meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mr. Mohamed Shia’ Al-Sudani, the commander of the NATO mission in Iraq, General Jose Antonio Martinez, and his accompanying delegation presented him with the final report assessing current cybersecurity threats in Iraq. The report was developed by the Institute of Security Governance Cyber Team following its engagement with cyber and information technology leaders in the Iraq Ministry of Defense, the Iraq Armed Forces, the Critical Infrastructure Sector relevant to military operations, and national agencies responsible for country-wide cyber defense.


ICB at Work With Uzbekistan

July 18, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG), in collaboration with the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) and the Mississippi National Guard (MSNG), recently hosted visits from Ministry of Defense of Uzbekistan Human Resource Management (HRM) leaders at various HRM installations in Mississippi and Louisiana.

Highlights of the visit included observation of a senior NCO selection and assignments board; a visit to Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) New Orleans; a visit to the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center; a visit to the Mississippi Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot (AVCRAD) and the 1108th Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (TASMG);

Kenya Map

ISG Advising in Kenya

June 27, 2023

Recently, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) facilitated a workshop with the Kenya Ministry of Defense (KMoD) to collaborate on a civilian professionalization plan within the Kenyan civil service. Moving forward with ISG support, the KMoD staff will conduct their own review sessions, in-country interviews, and international case studies on civil service reform to help shape new policy.

ISG looks forward to continuing this important advising effort with plans for future working sessions with the Kenya Defense Force and the Kenya Public Service Commission.

Tesla Government

Nick Tomb Presents to Tesla Government Civil Affairs Working Group

June 21, 2023

Institute for Security Governance’s (ISG) Functional Lead for Civil-Military Relations & Security Governance and Women Peace Security (WPS) Functional Co-lead, Nicholas Tomb, gave a virtual presentation to the Tesla Government Civil Affairs Working Group. Nick’s talk centered on Civil-Military Operations (CMO), activities that military units (oftentimes civil affairs teams) undertake as a practical means to perform Civil Affairs to enhance Civil-Military Relations.

Dr. Whitney Grespin Presents at the Usasoc

Dr. Whitney Grespin Presents at the USASOC

June 7, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance (ISG) West Africa Regional Program Lead, Dr. Whitney Grespin, presented at the United States Army Special Operations Command’s (USASOC) Geostrategic Symposium at Fort Bragg, N.C. Dr. Grespin engaged and shared her academic and practical expertise with USASOC and U.S. Government interagency stakeholders.