Strategies and Capabilities for Cyber Challenges Course at ISG
October 11, 2022
The Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently conducted a “Strategies and Capabilities for Cyber Challenges” Resident Course at ISG headquarters in Monterey, California. This four-week course – offered annually – equips participants with the knowledge and skills to understand cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and their consequences for national security and military operations. The course explores strategies and capabilities to maintain an advantage over actors who seek to exploit, disrupt, or damage the critical networks, systems, and services upon which our societies and militaries depend. Instructors also highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach that applies whole-of-government coordination, regional collaboration, and public-private partnerships to counter cyber-enabled malicious actors across the spectrum of conflict.
A range of civilian and military backgrounds were represented among the 27 participants hailing from 16 countries, with most countries having sent cohorts of two to five people. The course was delivered by an impressive array of subject matter experts, who combined academic presentations on prevailing and emergent cyber domain concepts with practical frameworks, including cybersecurity assessments, operational-level exercises, and applied group work on coordination products. In an effort to better understand and counter cyber threats, participants analyzed case studies based on actual attacks such as the 2014 Sony Attack, the 2015 United States Office of Personnel Management Hack, and the 2020 SolarWinds Hack. Similarly, a site visit to Defense Innovation Unit and Palo Alto Networks added a practical dimension to the coursework. Beyond instruction, course participants joined one another in social activities and excursions in different locations in California, helping to foster personal relationships and professional connections that will last well beyond the course.”
Course Director Dr. Scott Jasper noted that, “the range of countries represented from around the globe indicates the increased need and demand for cybersecurity education. The U.S. is responding through focused cyber courses that have an academic foundation and practical applications. ISG Institutional Capacity Building education courses provide participants with knowledge and skills to use immediately upon return to their important positions in the cyber field.
At the conclusion of the “Strategies and Capabilities for Cyber Challenges” course, participants are meant to:
- Recognize cyber threats and challenges in new forms of geopolitical conflict and competition across political, economic, and military arenas
- Effectively analyze, design, and implement national and military strategies for safeguarding unfettered access to cyberspace
- Understand emerging technologies and security practices to counter advanced cyber actor tactics and techniques
- Be conversant in the legal aspects and issues for a global domain, including national regulations and laws, and international regimes and norms
- Consider governmental processes and policies to promote cooperation among government and private sector organizations, ministries, and law enforcement partners
“We couldn’t be happier with the enthusiasm and engagement of the participants in our Strategies and Capabilities course,” said David Radcliffe, the Cyber Functional Lead at ISG. “We are at a most critical time now as countries are realizing how vital the cyber domain is to all aspects of military operations and national security. This course helps participants understand how to take a strategic approach to cyber threats and vulnerabilities.”
In response to the high demand being placed on ISG for Cyber Institutional Capacity Building, ISG’s Cyber Capability Team is offering a number of additional resident (R) and mobile (M) courses on related topics, including: Cybersecurity Policy & Practice (R, M), Strategies & Capabilities for Cyber Challenges (R), Developing Cyber Organizations and Workforces (R, M), Cybersecurity Strategy Development (M), Cyber Defense Operational Integration (M).
We are at a most critical time now as countries are realizing how vital the cyber domain is to all aspects of military operations and national security. This course helps participants understand how to take a strategic approach to cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
Learn more about how ISG is working to build the capacity of defense cyber institutions
and help Partner Nations identify, assess, and better understand risks, capacities, and threats within their defense cyber ecosystem in ISG’s Building Capable Cybersecurity Institutions ICB Smart Sheet.