Jordan Armed Forces Capability Development Division Achieves Full Operational Capability
June 28, 2022
In March 2022, the Institute for Security Governance (ISG) supported the final table-top exercise leading to the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) Capability Development Division (CDD) achieving full operational capability. The standup of the CDD marks a significant advancement in the modernization of the JAF through the implementation of a Capability Based Planning (CBP) framework tailored to support its military decision-making process. The CDD is now able to serve as the JAF lead for identifying current and future operational gaps impacting the ability to execute its mission; validating appropriate solution approaches; and prioritizing needs, supporting development and procurement; and tracking implementation, and supporting efforts to assess the effectiveness of capability gap mitigation.
The CDD was the brainchild of MG Yousef Hunaiti, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Jordan), who in August 2019 directed the creation of the organization within the JAF Directorate of Planning and Organization. In his previous role as the Commander of the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF), MG Hunaiti worked with ISG and its precursor, gaining an appreciation for the value of CBP while overseeing the Long- Range Precision Strike Assessment and the Airlift and Mobility Operations Capability Based Assessment (CBA). Upon taking on his role of Chairman, he expanded his original vision of institutionalizing CBP within the RJAF to the entire JAF.
Colonel David Kobs, Senior Defense Official and Defense Attaché said, “The Jordanian Armed Forces have embraced the Capabilities Based Assessment methodology and made it their own. CBAs are the basis of all JAF programmatic decisions to synchronize procurement, personnel, organization, and doctrine. The CBAs produced by the CDD are of extremely high quality and allow JAF leadership to make informed decisions on the future of the JAF. Without CBAs, it is common to receive equipment and not have the trained operators or the doctrinal framework to employ new capabilities properly. Capabilities Based Planning, combined with long range budget forecasts, allow the JAF to prioritize the right issues at the right time to field a complete capability to conduct operations.”
The CBAs produced by the CDD are of extremely high quality and allow JAF leadership to make informed decisions on the future of the JAF. Without CBAs, it is common to receive equipment and not have the trained operators or the doctrinal framework to employ new capabilities properly.
ISG’s direct support to the CDD commenced in December 2019, with the first CBP/CBA Familiarization Workshop for members of the newly formed division. In early 2020, the CDD stood up a CBA Writing Committee, with support form ISG and with representatives from the CDD, RJAF’s CBA Committee, Royal Jordanian Navy, and the Directorate of Training. The Committee developed a JAF CBA Manual by accumulating the best practices observed during the conduct of the Mobility for Ground Forces and Border Security, Combined Arms and Tank Development; Long Range Precision Strike; and the Airlift and Mobility Operations CBAs. To continue the development of the CDD, ISG initiated a series of table-top exercises – short, focused engagements designed to identify and address the CDD’s organizational and process challenges.
The Deputy Country Program Coordinator Jay Hall, who has led the ISG efforts with the CDD, stated “By incorporating key tenets of capability based planning into its defense decision-making process, the JAF ensures its near-term resourcing decisions are informed by material and non-material considerations as well as long-term return on investment. Through its dedicated work, the CDD has tailored a rigorous capability based assessment methodology and organizational processes that enable a close collaboration between resource manager and the operators. This in turn supports a more efficient force development efforts.”
While this effort was challenged throughout the COVID 19 pandemic, it restarted in earnest in the first half of 2021 owing to ISG’s ability to reengage in country and to the assertive new leadership by COL Helalat Ismail, Chief of the Combat Capability Development Branch and BG Ali Kuson, Director of the Combat Capability Development Division.
By incorporating key tenets of capability based planning into its defense decision-making process, the JAF ensures its near-term resourcing decisions are informed by material and non-material considerations as well as long-term return on investment.
Within only a short period of time after they came on board, they were able to develop a governance structure to advance the results of CBAs to senior JAF leadership for review and approval. Specifically, BG Ali spearheaded the effort to gain approval for the Logistics Modernization CBA implementation plan which had laid dormant for over a year and a half. His direct efforts, supported by COL Helalat, resulted in the Jordanian Armed Forces Requirements Oversight Committee (JAFROC) forwarding a recommendation to the Chairman in February 2022 to approve the Logistics CBA, followed closely by a recommendation to approve implementation of the Human Capital Development CBA in March 2022.
Both CBAs were approved by the Chairman for implementation. The CDD and ISG are collaboratively providing oversight and supporting the development of a concept of operations for Logistics Modernization as well as a Human Capital Strategy, which upon completion, will be transformative for the JAF. BG Ali and COL Helalat, supported by LTC Mahmoud Aloran and Major Asem Al Hawary, have been the primary proponents of a 360-degree assessment of the JAF Military Ammunition Command’s approach to inventory management. This will enable the CDD, from a General Headquarters perspective, to properly manage JAF ammunition inventory from demand planning through disposal ensuring the efficient use of Jordanian National Funds.
This will enable the CDD, from a General Headquarters perspective, to properly manage JAF ammunition inventory from demand planning through disposal ensuring the efficient use of Jordanian National Funds.
While the CDD is now able to fully facilitate the CBP process, ISG will continue to serve as subject matter experts during the execution of various CBAs, such as the ongoing JAF Mentions Assessment, and will continue to support CDD leadership initiatives like the automation of CBAs and the development of CBA automated performance management tracking tools.
ISG Regional Program Lead Wade Evans stated: “This effort incorporated all of the attributes needed for a successful Institutional Capacity Building program. There was a clear objective and a high level of commitment and will on the part of the Jordanians to achieve the objective as evidenced by the Chairman’s direction and the efforts of the CDD leadership to champion positive change. Additionally, the program was aggressively supported by the current United States Senior Defense Official, Colonel David Kobs and Military Assistance Program-Jordan Chief, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Peebles as well as their predecessors. Finally, this effort would not have been possible without the professionalism and perseverance of the team of ISG subject matter experts led by Chuck Hudson and Jay Hall.”
This effort incorporated all of the attributes needed for a successful Institutional Capacity Building program. There was a clear objective and a high level of commitment and will on the part of the Jordanians to achieve the objective as evidenced by the Chairman’s direction and the efforts of the CDD leadership to champion positive change.
Through hard work and strong leadership, the CDD has been able to realize the Chairman’s vision to institutionalize an authoritative, repeatable, and rigorous process that supports strategic planning and informs critical defense decisions. This effort, in turn, meets HMK Abdullah’s strategic guidance calling for the Jordanian military to transform into a modern, flexible, and highly responsive force, capable of meeting current and future challenges.