ISG Support to PKO Engagement with Serbia
September 3, 2024
The Defense Security Cooperation University’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently led a peacekeeping operations workshop in Garmisch, Germany, with nine personnel from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Armed Forces. The workshop was co-hosted by ISG and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and partnered with the U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) – Belgrade and the Serbian Peacekeeping Operations Training Center (PKOTC) together with Defense Policy Sector.
This expert exchange shared best practices and served as a force multiplier for our mutual shared objective of providing UN-standard peacekeeping training, thereby expanding the cadre of skilled individuals contributing to global UN peacekeeping missions.
Brig. Gen. Chris A. McKinney, US EUCOM Deputy Director (J5/8) of Partnering, Security Cooperation, and Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Lt. Col. Danny O’Connor, ODC Belgrade Chief, attended portions of the workshop, underscoring the significance of this engagement.