ISG Building Institutional Capacity in the Maritime Security Sector Course
September 17, 2024
The Institute for Security Governance recently concluded its course: Building Institutional Capacity in the Maritime Sector. This course demonstrates current operational doctrine, organization, and global best practices for planning and execution processes required to protect a nation’s territorial seas and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Additionally, the course covers risk analysis, maritime governance, and enhancing maritime domain awareness (MDA) capabilities.
Course objectives include:
♦ Gain an understanding of evolving maritime security threats, challenges and opportunities
♦ Understand how to enhance MDA capabilities
♦ Learn how to evaluate, prioritise, and communicate national and regional maritime transnational threats and risks
♦ Properly assess their national maritime governance strengths and weaknesses
♦ Understand the elements of maritime strategy development at the operational and strategic levels
♦ Describe best practices to recruit, vet, train, assign, and retain talented maritime security professionals
To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, visit the ISG Schoolhouse Information Hub.