Civil Military Responses to Terrorism

June 13, 2024

The Institute for Security Governance is proud to announce the successful culmination of the Civil-Military Responses to Terrorism course. This course gives those who drive and are responsive to domestic and international counter-terrorism efforts with tools to develop effective, integrated, and forward-looking measures that go beyond force alone to prevent, combat, and contain terrorism and build resilience to terroristic violence.

The course aims to deepen participants’ understanding of problems that create conditions for terrorism. Participants will not only explore effective counter-terrorism strategies and approaches, but they will also build capacity to integrate strategic guidance into operational practice to defeat terrorist networks, protect citizens and property, and address root causes of terrorism.

Objectives Include:
♦ Explain dynamic nature of terrorism and surrounding concepts
♦ Illustrate why combating terrorism as a mission for the whole-of-government
♦ Survey ideological motivations for violent extremism and terrorism
♦ Apply key elements of a comprehensive response to terrorism to a national context
♦ Prepare duty-bearers to respect, protect, promote, and fulfill human rights in counter-terrorism operations

To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, visit the Schoolhouse Information Hub. 

Group photo